Friday, March 23, 2012

Volunteer Recognition Day

The day to celebrate volunteers is coming. April 20th is Volunteer Recognition Day. It's such a special day that we need to take the time to plan something very special for these very special people. Yes, I know I used that word "special" often, but for good reason. Where would we be without these folks in our world?

If you manage volunteers in anyway, you need to be planning for this day. Our motto is: take every opportunity in the book to appreciate our volunteers. What better opportunity than Volunteer Recognition Day?

What are you planning? Some big event? A smaller celebration just for those volunteers? It doesn't matter what you actually planning, as long as you do something special on April 20th. We have some ideas to help you out at Appreciate Volunteers.

Why not use this day to give a personalized gift? If you budget can afford it, go for something extra special that has meaning for your volunteers. If you are on a small budget, something as small as a refrigerator magnet or a pin that is personalized for your volunteers will be appreciated as well.

What ever you decide to do, do something! This is the day to show how much we appreciate the time and effort our volunteers give us. April 20th is coming so get moving and get planning.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Welcome Appreciate Volunteers

We are happy to announce a web site devoted entirely to recognizing and appreciating the volunteers of our group or organization. If you manage volunteers, the you want to visit this site. Appreciate Volunteers is all about ways to help you show your thanks for all the efforts your volunteers put in.

The site is written by people with a wealth of experience in managing volunteers in many different organizations and groups, from community to private. Along with being volunteers themselves, so they know what they are talking about.

It's easy to get distracted in this busy world, but taking the time to recognize and appreciate volunteers is so important. You'll find lots of little ways and simple things to show how important your volunteers are to you.

So take a few minutes and visit Appreciate Volunteers. Tour around the site, read helpful tips and information and share your own insights.