Thursday, August 29, 2013

Simple Ways You Can Thank Your Volunteers

Every day we benefit from our volunteers. That means we should always be thinking of ways to say thank you. Never should we forget to just say the words. But, we always want to offer just a little more when it comes to our volunteers.

This doesn't mean planning a huge party and spending lots of money, that your organization probably doesn't have, every day. In fact, this is more about just the little things that can make a big difference.

Bringing cookies or candies in to work to offer to volunteers. Maybe it's just a tent sign that you set up by the volunteer sign-up book that says some kind of thank you. A notice of which volunteers are celebrating a birthday or anniversary each day.

This don't need to be big things, or even things that cost any thing more than some of your time. These are things to just show your volunteers that are worthy of you remembering the give their time, with no pay.

Most give their time, because they want to, and not to get something in return. But, giving them something as simple as a show of appreciation is worth your time and effort. Remember, without them, where would your organization be?

Friday, August 2, 2013

Volunteer Hours of Service Milestones

Are hours of service ways that you track volunteer time? Then you definitely need to be appreciating those milestones. Even the small milestones are worth something to thank your volunteers.

For many organizations, hours of service is the important factor. For many volunteers, those hours are a big part of their lives. Recognizing them makes great sense.

Start off small. Encouraging new volunteers with simple expressions of appreciation for small achievements, like the first 5 hours completed, can make a huge difference. We all want to be appreciated for what we do, even if it's just a few hours.

Simple things like a thank you card, a refrigerator magnet, or a day of cookies for the volunteers in honor of the milestone is just plain common sense for encouraging more hours of service. At the least, a printed out certificate for the volunteer makes a difference.

For volunteers who have crossed larger milestones, like 100 hours, 250 hours, whatever makes sense for your dedicated volunteers, a gift is in order. Again, these don't need to cost you too much, but that kind of thank you is so appreciated by your workers.

These people put in the hours of service because they believe in your organization. Reward and thank them for what they give.