Friday, June 15, 2012

Thanking Volunteers with Wacky Holidays

It's fun to celebrate wacky holidays and a great excuse to thank our volunteers for their efforts. At Appreciate Volunteers, that just what is going on in the month of June. Of course, these do take some planning, so the holidays for July are being featured. That gives you time to get the celebration planned out.

The month of July gives us several fun ways to celebrate the whole month. National Blueberry Month, Eggplant and Lettuce Month, Mango and Melon Month, and Sandwich Generation Month. Planning for Volunteer Appreciation with Wacky Holidays in July gives you lots of ways to make use of these holidays to do special things for your volunteers.

Some are as simple as bringing blueberry muffins to work for your volunteers. But, another idea takes things further. You can get ideas for having a lunch to thank volunteers and let them build their own sandwiches and name them. Then give them a small, personalized gift of appreciation with their sandwich name on it.

Depending on your budget, you can go all out, or keep it very simple. But this kind of idea can work great for all sorts of wacky holidays. The key here is to do something special for your volunteers in appreciation of their time and effort given to your group or organization. So enjoy those special times and visit Appreciate Volunteers for more ideas.

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