Friday, July 13, 2012

Use Thank You Cards for Volunteer Appreciation

One of the easiest things we can do for our volunteers is to remember to say thanks. But, in our hectic work schedule, sometimes that's hard to do. Make thank yous a little easier on yourself by using Thank You cards. 

These don't have to elaborate, but make them a simple way to remember to thank volunteers. Set up your schedule for at least the next several months. Have a collection of cards available within your monthly or weekly folder. Every time a volunteer crosses a milestone in service hours or anniversaries, even small milestones, prepare a thank you card.

Sending via the mail is a great way to say thank you, but hand delivering as the volunteer arrives or leaves works out well, also. Make sure to add a little personal note, even if you use the customization features for cards online.

See our choices for wonderful thank you cards for volunteers at Appreciate Volunteers and get lots more ideas for simple ways to show appreciation to your volunteers.

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