Friday, August 24, 2012

Start Planning for Fall Volunteer Recognition Events

If you use the holidays that are coming up in the Fall to have a special event for your volunteer recognition, it's time to start the thinking and planning process. Halloween, Thanksgiving, even Christmas are popular times to hold a volunteer recognition event.

This kinds of events do take some planning and foresight. The time between Thanksgiving and Christmas are very popular for holding annual parties for companies and organizations. That means many good venues will be booked ahead of time. So it will take some searching on your part to find a good place to hold your event.

You also need to consider who you need to approvals from. Often times, you need to get on the calendar for board meetings, if they are required to approve an event like this. Again, advance planning helps.

Dealing with menus and themes are important considerations, too. If you like to celebrate Halloween with your volunteers, you can find some fun and easy ways here. But, you may also be using this for your annual volunteer recognition event, so awards and personalized gifts will need to be ordered.

Starting early for your planning will help you have a more leisurely fall and a much better volunteer recognition event this year. So don't put it off. You'll thank me later. 

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