Friday, April 27, 2012

If You Missed Volunteer Recognition Day

Were you one of those managers who missed Volunteer Recognition Day this year? Well, it's past, but that doesn't mean you have to wait until next year. Show your volunteers how much they are appreciated at other times, too. My motto is to take every excuse in the book for Volunteer Recognition.

So what are you going to do now? At Appreciate Volunteers, we have some other ideas for you. In fact, that's what the whole site is about. Ways to show your appreciation.

If your budget allows, plan a special event to recognize all your volunteers, but especially those who have been with you for a time. If you can pick the week where your longest service volunteer celebrates a milestone, then you can honor that person and recognize the time or service hours of each volunteer in turn.

Remember to include the newest volunteers. Welcome them into your organization or group. It's especially helpful and encouraging to them to see the others who have been with you for a nice length of time.

If your budget doesn't allow for a big event, think about smaller events. Bringing lunch in for your volunteers on special days is a less expensive alternative. You can still honor milestones and welcome new volunteers.

Even on the smallest budget, simple things that sending a thank you card or note on a volunteer's anniversary with your group can mean so much. Bringing some home baked cookies in with you to share with the volunteers is very inexpensive.

You may have missed Volunteer Recognition Day this year, but put it on your calendar for next year. Then do other things to appreciate your volunteers during the rest of the year.

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