Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Recognize Graduating Volunteers

For many of us, the high school and college students play an important role in our volunteer make-up. So it's equally important that we take some time to celebrate their great achievement of graduating. Most families will plan a graduation party for their own children, but we can plan a celebration for them as well. At Appreciate Volunteers there are many ways to show your appreciation.

If you have a number of graduates this year, it can work easily to have a single celebration to honor them all. For some of these young adult graduates it may mean the end of their volunteer time with us. Some volunteer to complete a community service project for a class. Others will be taking on summer jobs or preparing to move to another location, either to start college or a new job. So this means we want to take some time and thank them for what they have given to our organizations.

Our friend Mandee has prepared a whole series of articles to help plan a graduation party. She shares information about themes, food, presentations, even fun personalized posters of the grads. You can get plenty of ideas and helpful information from her articles. We know we have and will continue to do as we celebrate our graduating volunteers.

Even if you are celebrating just one graduate, this special time in his or her life deserves some recognition from you. A personalized gift of thank you doesn't have to ruin your budget. It can be as simple as a comomerativerefrigerator magnet or a small treasure box that will be a reminder of how much their volunteer time was valued by you and your group.

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